Packard Pokes At 109: When I Think About You, I Stalk Myself

On the show tonight appearing @Packard_Sonic, as your host, co-hosts Joe @JoeUnseen Crystal @CrystalSaySo and David @YoureDamned. With Special Guest The Closet Atheist  The live show that starts at 9 PM CDT (Central Daylight Time) or GMT (-5)  In the winter months this will be at 9 PM CST (Central Standard Time) or GMT (-6). You can find the live show at Be sure to sign up at so you can join in on the chat room. Registration is 100% free and you do not a need a web cam to listen in and chat with us. Please feel free to hit the donate button and give what you can or what you feel the show is worth to you. Trying to get some new equipment to make the show better and eliminate hardware failures that have been disrupting the show. I would even be willing to take a older G5 or Intel Mac off your hands. If you wish to donate any hardware to the show contact @Packard_Sonic on twitter or packardpokeasat at

Download Packard Pokes At 109: When I Think About You, I Stalk Myself MP3

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Tech News:

Cleveland Clinic study finds breath test can diagnose heart failure:

Scientists created a printable bionic ear that picks up frequencies far beyond the human range:

Movie review of Iron Man 3:

General News:

Police accused of erasing cell phone footage of fatal beating:

This woman allegedly stalked herself on FB in an attempt to frame her ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend:


Disney worker watched child porn at work while writing sermon:

Discussion Topic: Draw Mohammed Day (May 20th):

Funny Tweet: by @CatFoodBreath


From David @YoureDamned

for @SkepticInfidel

INTERVIEW with The Closet Atheist from YouTube:

Leave your comments and tell us how we are doing here or at the following: youtube, or to us on twitter: Packard Sonic @Packard_Sonic, Joe @JoeUnseen, Crystal @CrystalSaysSo Medusa @Medusa_Rantz, David @YoureDamned

Remember to send us any questions on formspring or send an email to us at packardpokesat @$&ver=standard

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